martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

Happy birthday Valen!

Today is Valen's birthday, sorry I only can make a tiny video... not very good but I try my best, using the drawing Dejichan made for my own birthday some months ago

AT: Valentine Akai by =CroceSorriso on deviantART
thanks to Aya-chan for this too, HAPPY B'DAY VALEN!!!

I owe everyone an Update please be patient, read ya later

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

is december!

and this place need to be updated, Im sorry for be absent so long but Im gonna be on hiatus more time sorry...

the next entry whole be a update from where I left, ok!? thanks ^^

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Important news and tiny update

Hi everyone, hope anybody is ok~

Im gonna make this fast, ehehehe because I dont have my own net service, I have lot of work and Im lack of inspiration to make covers, is time for another HIATUS!!!

sorry about this I cant be here by the moment or work UTAU stuff, maybe later, so stay tuned if someone want xD but after say bye here two nice videos c:


in this video Celestine DONT SING but Ichigo-chan make the video with her, is AWESOME :D

A lovely chorus *u*

I never hear this song before but is cute ^^

Thanks for everything and read ya later, BYES!~

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Celes singing Bad Apple!!

After play sometimes making song with her not only for her past anniversary, the real reason is I want she sing better the song but sometimes she dont fit ^^u

I have other songs without cover illust or even release for the people to listen, maybe later but I dont know ehehehe yeah uneasy @x@ I have a hard time with this because the ust used was a vcv the one make for Namine Ritsu to sing this song

Remembering the way my friends tell me how to 'clean' for use in a normal cv, this works!!! not only I clean the ust, I add some 'personal' changes and I love the result *u*b

I usually only post UTAU stuff related through Celes twitter account, but that time I posted in my personal account, I was ranting because Im so slow to draw cover and because almost of the time I dont like it, at that time a good friend ask if she can help me so I accept and this is the result of our hard work

hope everyone like it, the way I love her awesome drawing style, THANKS SO MUCH for the help Deji-chan

Celestine - Bad Apple by ~dejichan on deviantART

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Celestine's b'day gifts~

I never expect something like gifts to her but she have a few ones, many greatings and best wishes, her and I appreciate everyone for their kindness ^^

KARENUVEN was the 1st making an early video gift of a MMD model of Celestine :D

ICHIGOMINAKO make my cry with happiness with this cute video ;u;~

Magnet: Camilo x Celes by =yesi-chan on deviantART

YESI-CHAN or GATICAEITAN finished Celestine & Camilo MAGNET draw cover, even she remake the song and I finished the video, yeah official pairing, love, love, love, LOVE!!! ;D

Happy Birthday Celestine by *aristodemelugix on deviantART
cute piccy is cute, awww I like it so much thanks to aristodemelugix

last one but beautiful like the others my Onee DAY or ARTEMISAYURI draw this for us~

THANKS everyone for take your time and make this, we are so happy :D

the past Sep 9 was Celestine's b'day and 1st anniversary!!!

Sorry for late update, but Im not only busy, a bit sick and in a bad mood... but well let's read the important ^^

Yeah one year ago in september I release Celestine one 9 day of that month, at the start I wasnt sure about it... I was insecure, but after talking with Yesi-chan, Camila's voicer I say to myself, why not!? an start the recording

was so lame I really dont know what I was doing in the time and the vb released was tiny and with a bad static noise problem _ _ but was welcome for the people ^^ being in this 'world' make me get new friends and learn more about the UTAU program

but still Im a noob, so please forgive whatever kind of mistakes I do ok!? ^^;

then whit lot of work and family problems at least can I release vb act2 with more phonemes and a 'better' sound, the noise problem was 'fixed' and everyone even I can make her sing better :D and with the UTAU updates I dont need to make the so called 'vcv' (Im not going to do it I SWEAR Dx)

again I wasnt sure to release but many nice friends cheer me up and after thinking more that wasnt a bad idea, to leave her in yours pc ;D

ok thats all about bored bad writed stuff xD so here is my gift to all the people who support and like my work all this whole year *u* I only can say to all THANK YOU!!!

I remake Melt as her video anniversary because this was my 1st song and the one I use to release her one year ago, enjoy! :)

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


Celestine singing L'Assasymphonie thanks so much to ICHIGOMINAKO

I love/like the way she draw Celes *0*

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

UTAU random facts about Celestine Aoi

Following the 'bandwagon' made by Yue's voicer is now Celes time xD

*) CELESTINE is HER 1ST NAME most of the ppl call her 'Aoi' as her name, but that word is her last name xD
*) she is mexican like me her creator c: but the japanese came from our like to that country and culture! [especially: games, anime, music and manga *u*b]
*) Celes dont have 'best friends' she loves/likes ppl equally, for her dont are friends more important than others
*) Celestine can be draw with dark hair like Miku in the videos that whole be needed (like Black Rock Shooter or Monochrome∞Blue Sky) to fit the song
*) her neighbor is Yue Nagareboshi, they live in the same state and country
*) she likes cook, but isnt good with desserts or sweet things because her adoptive big brother dont like sweets so much, maybe the only sweet thing she make good are cakes
*) is in deeply love with Camilo Adagio, Camila's cousin
*) in the future their married and have a lil cute child named Amanda Adagio [Mandy for everyone]
*) she likes to sing but know that not all the song fit her pitch highest voice
*) her 1st item is cotton candy and the 2nd a cute bright blue start pillow
*) she have two outfit for her separated two acts
*) dont like so much wearing dresses or skirts, only when is needed
*) she act in a boyish way and that make her more cute than she is
*) trying to help the ppl when she can and can do something
*) is mega happy having her 'twin' sister Nunnorü back with her again
*) the colors she like are: blues, purples, silver-grays, black and white
*) for cute songs with cats theme she were black cat ears and tail
*) in her past life she was a 'magical crow', in present time sometimes her black wing appear but she lost quickly the memory
*) the 'vocaloids' she admire are Len Kagamine and SF-A2 miki, she want to sing with them a duet or an original song
*) likes a lot the 'converse' shoes
*) you can interpret her name in 2 forms: Heavenly Blue or Sky Blue
*) she loves more sing songs with the word SKY or BLUE related in the title or lyrics
*) most of the time she is calm, but can be angry and give fear...
*) she trying to sing the more miki songs that she can because, she like her song a lot
*) Celestine can be drawn without glasses, because she use contact lens~
*) when Valentine isnt around Yue help her a lot singing
*) Valentine and her have a nice relationship, at the beginning everyone think their where in love but dont, Valen is only over protective, poor Celes

[... and that's all xD I guess...!? maybe I forgot something and add later hope this help in something lol]

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Celestine in Rainbow Connection

Im taking a bit time of my lunch to post here ehehehe ^^u

1st is posting a video from a nice YT users who like Celes a lot, like other ppl c: I have another video but but but is an early b'day/anniversary gift so I post it hopefully her day x3


thanks so much to this yt user, Celes act2 is really better than the act1 and many ppl is making sing her thanks!

'Sad' notes: Im still busy and very tired, Im not working in UTAU by the moment... when I have a bit of free time I try to rest, but if someone is interest can make her sing that make me happy :D, please send me an email or write in the left side of this blog in the shoutbox ^^ (even I gonna post ther small news, to not bother posting here things like that only updates or 'big news' x3)

Celes twitter account now whole be only to share videos, doodles or whatever realted to her or Valentine, the FS account is down because no one ask and I cant have time to check it ehehehe Im so sorry about all this, but work and health is always 1st c:

and when I start in UTAU is for fun (and actually this was turned the wrong way @x@u...)

one last new is, I finished Celestine anniversary video isnt the best but I like it and hope everyone it like it too when I upload it to youtube later

that's all, take care and have fun!

lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Guard & Scynthe 1st video Celestine act2

Hello! Im so happy watching this is the 1st video of her I dont do lol thanks so much Im so happy ^^


I like the way she draw Celes and how she like to make her sing this kind of songs c:

1st of all in exactly one moth Celestine going to have her 1st anniversary :D Im a bit excited about it ehehehe but why a bit? because I have a lot of work to do and maybe I cant finish nothing I planned to that day ;A; anyway I want to try to finish everything ehehehe and thats all

is very probably I dont came to post nothing in the rest of the month until that day, well back to work read ya later! ;u;b

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010


HI! long time... well really dont lol sorry I was lazy to update this blog and a bit excited making songs with Celestine act2 Im so happy not hearing that stupid static noise and thanks to my friend YUENAGAREBOSHI for teach me how to mix and work with REAPER; at the moment he is far far away and hope is ok ;u; not only I... everyone miss you!!! ;A;

starting with Magnet singed by Nunnorü Sasayaki & Valentine Akai, was my b'day gift to her Nunnorü's have her very 1st anniversary in the UTAU world and hope can she have more and more years and fans cx

next is Chaser a song by SF - A2 miki, I like this vocaloid so much and YUENAGAREBOSHI make the song for me I only make the crappy video lol this song is my fave from Celestine *v*~

Valentine cant be stay back he can sing and very well xD YUENAGAREBOSHI do it the song but change some flags so Valen sing more maly ;D I dont do the draw was a gift sketch by ARTEMISAYURI thanks to NAMIKO89 for let me use her video idea x3

my final video at this moment is this duet and yeah! YUENAGAREBOSHI do the song too lol he make so awesome songs not like me ehehehe x'3;;; this one is for celebrate their act2 release c:

the last are only some songs I made by myself I know Im not as good as YUENAGAREBOSHI but I try my best :D

Celes Celes Romantic Night

Monochrome∞Blue Sky


thats all ^^ next month Celestine and myself have our birthday I must think in something good to celebrate :D thanks for read, see yo later!~

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

Camilo x Celestine original song!

Im so happy, excited and so on xD this beauty piece was made by my friend Yesi-chan who is Camila Melodia voicer c:

I dont have word to express the way Im feeling now, only say THANKS and please watch the video and hear the song ;D


martes, 13 de julio de 2010

technical problems with vb act2 download

Thanks to my friends, who tell me about some errors when you try to unzip the file, now is fixed~ and have 2 links download!

my apologize ^^'

RAR file:

ZIP file:

happy song making!~ :D

sábado, 10 de julio de 2010

update time!

1st of all thanks so much for the welcoming of Celestine vb act2, Im glad everyone like it ^^ THANKS!

Now the UPDATE entry after release act2 Celes was singing and here are the videos thanks so much c:







of course Celestine wasnt the only singing Valentine too, thanks and enjoy!

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Celestine Aoi act2 vb Release!!!


Thanks to my friends who help me and the support of you is my pleasure to announce Celestine's act release!!!

thanks for being patient, this vb dont have static noise, you can make sing without that evil problem, Im crying of joy, because I dont think cant be possible the link is on the side bar where say "downloads" to get it c:

of course have a new outfit, hope everyone like it ;D

and the video debut is this!

even I re-upload at nico video and have 2 nice comments o_ou...

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Celestine act2 demo!

Finally I make her sing the 1st demo was sung by Valentine her genderbend please read the description and now you can hear she sounds young x3

domingo, 4 de julio de 2010


Im sorry for make everyone worried about me and my UTAU work, thanks to my friends and nice ppl here Im working slowly with Celestine act2 and even I make a demo but Celestine isnt the one singing I make Valentine her adoptive brother sing with his cute girlfriend Nunnorü Sasayaki

in the descrption say some notes like in this act Celes sound a bit more younger thats why Valentine change his flag to g+23 and about the draw I use a reference from a photo one friend show to me and say they whole be cute together and for the song I forgot write that in de DA description space and the draw was deleted by the rules of the site ehehehe someone think I traced it lol Im sorry for the mistake and for upset that person and If someone know the person who draw the reference pic please tell me to talk with she/he to give credit c:

mmm... well I guess sound a bit better, Im gonna make the best effort with help of all of you so she can be released as soon as is ready, thanks so much for your concern about all this

in the next entry the update came with some videos because she isnt stop singing ^^

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

the way I feel...

Im smiling maybe doing this I can contain the tears cause Im so sad, tired and stressed

I really want to make Celestine's vb better but its IMPOSSIBLE for me I try so many times I do my best but the results are so sucked... the worst part is because I cant make it by myself, asking my friends for help, but the bother feeling dont go away, yeah Im guilty to make them lost their precious time...

Seriously I think in quit I still thinking that cause I dont know where be able to do it, when I see videos of Celestine or draws the feelings above hurt me a lot, is so much the pain than the happiness of seeing nice and good ppl try their best to make her sing

By the moment Im gonna be off of this more time, I dont have the will to continue, only want to be calm and maybe focus in other proyects none UTAU related.

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

update draws

Thanks even for draw Celestine thanks so much!

Celestine Aoi

Pixel UTAUs by =yesi-chan on deviantART

Celestine and Mariana UTAU by ~ana01-chan on deviantART

Camila Melodia y Celestine Aoi by ~kasanexkagamine on deviantART

Dibujo SAI UTAU Celestine Aoi by ~ana01-chan on deviantART

Free Chibis by *lyra-puu on deviantART

:+: Chibis 1 :+: by =sefie-ireth on deviantART

Valentine Akai

KITTIES by =yesi-chan on deviantART

thanks for draw my UTAUloids thanks again!

update videos

sorry for the absent, but well dont need to know why 'Im off...' the next videos make me happy cause are some ppl who still work mking Celes sing thanks so much I cant say nothing more or better only THANK YOU~





miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

quick update~

in YT are some videos where Celestine sing :D




THANKS so much to them, Im glad ppl still work with her and that fail vb... xB In other Im still so hyper mega busy :/ and I lost fun working with UTAU idk if I can come back, but the time will tell... read ya later!

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

I cant believe it!!! *faint*

In this past days some ppl was angry and sad about their UTAUs I know perfectly how they feel if their works arent recognize but pals dont be like that anyone must be proud about the work do it

when Yesi-chan teach me how to work with UTAU I never think in made my own chara/vb later I say to myself why not!? and Celestine born c:

Im the kind of person who really dont like to get attention for other I only like to work with all my heart in that I like, if others like it I only say THANK YOU but I never have in mind the world 'must' praise me for that is a childish and stupid way of think in my opinion

Im so happy with Celestine, even knowing is the worts vb in the UTAU world but hey! I do my best xD and hope the act2 will be better but that is other matter lol

now why the title say like that!? cause Hashibami-san make an original song and make Celestine sing in c: Im so happy, I never expect something like that, well are so many UTAUs and are born more and more at this precise moment

Is really wonderful and maybe the only original song for her cause I dont knoe nothing about music and others lol but is really rewarding see this never trying to get it in the first time

hope in the future the pals who want badly be recognized for their effort and feel better, Im only continue to work for me and the pals who care for me ^^ read ya~

long time! second part

now videos make for yt users and friends, Im really glad ppl make Celes sing cause well I never think someone can like her ^^u










thank so much for make Celestine or Valentine sing Im so happy *0*

long time!

sorry for this long absence this is a fast update ehehehe ^^u

1st I was working in Celestine act2 but Im so idiot to understand oto.ini thingie reason why I hasnt release it yet, sorry Im so sorry, later I hope...

2nd still on hiatus my family matters arent solved yet and that drive me crazy x.x

ok now I try to add all the stuff I got since I start the hiatus c:

1.- videos I make

this adolescence are only in YT cause I make small changes in the lyric but dont know if are rigth x3

this arent on nico yet... I was thinking in dont upload more video on that place...

next entry videos where Celes or Valen took part ^^

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

to announce...

Hi guys, sorry for not update I have some songs by kind people who make Celestine sing and I make one starting this year but...

I was planing to make act2 is a bit problematic for me because I dont get how make otos... at the moment in my house we have a family problem, my granny is living with us making more difficult for me work the things I want so I give up this proyect since I can feel a bit better and the problems here can be 'solved'

hehehehe the planing to take a long hiatus is starting, sorry for the troubles and thanks if someone make Celestine or Valentine sing with their crappy vb act1 ^^u

[No te preocupes Feli, te agradezco la ayuda y el que hayas intentado arreglarlo, pero ya no importa despues vuelvo a eso cuando las cosas en mi casa 'se mejoren' gracias de nuevo]