miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

I cant believe it!!! *faint*

In this past days some ppl was angry and sad about their UTAUs I know perfectly how they feel if their works arent recognize but pals dont be like that anyone must be proud about the work do it

when Yesi-chan teach me how to work with UTAU I never think in made my own chara/vb later I say to myself why not!? and Celestine born c:

Im the kind of person who really dont like to get attention for other I only like to work with all my heart in that I like, if others like it I only say THANK YOU but I never have in mind the world 'must' praise me for that is a childish and stupid way of think in my opinion

Im so happy with Celestine, even knowing is the worts vb in the UTAU world but hey! I do my best xD and hope the act2 will be better but that is other matter lol

now why the title say like that!? cause Hashibami-san make an original song and make Celestine sing in c: Im so happy, I never expect something like that, well are so many UTAUs and are born more and more at this precise moment

Is really wonderful and maybe the only original song for her cause I dont knoe nothing about music and others lol but is really rewarding see this never trying to get it in the first time

hope in the future the pals who want badly be recognized for their effort and feel better, Im only continue to work for me and the pals who care for me ^^ read ya~

long time! second part

now videos make for yt users and friends, Im really glad ppl make Celes sing cause well I never think someone can like her ^^u










thank so much for make Celestine or Valentine sing Im so happy *0*

long time!

sorry for this long absence this is a fast update ehehehe ^^u

1st I was working in Celestine act2 but Im so idiot to understand oto.ini thingie reason why I hasnt release it yet, sorry Im so sorry, later I hope...

2nd still on hiatus my family matters arent solved yet and that drive me crazy x.x

ok now I try to add all the stuff I got since I start the hiatus c:

1.- videos I make

this adolescence are only in YT cause I make small changes in the lyric but dont know if are rigth x3

this arent on nico yet... I was thinking in dont upload more video on that place...

next entry videos where Celes or Valen took part ^^