lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

update draws

Thanks even for draw Celestine thanks so much!

Celestine Aoi

Pixel UTAUs by =yesi-chan on deviantART

Celestine and Mariana UTAU by ~ana01-chan on deviantART

Camila Melodia y Celestine Aoi by ~kasanexkagamine on deviantART

Dibujo SAI UTAU Celestine Aoi by ~ana01-chan on deviantART

Free Chibis by *lyra-puu on deviantART

:+: Chibis 1 :+: by =sefie-ireth on deviantART

Valentine Akai

KITTIES by =yesi-chan on deviantART

thanks for draw my UTAUloids thanks again!

update videos

sorry for the absent, but well dont need to know why 'Im off...' the next videos make me happy cause are some ppl who still work mking Celes sing thanks so much I cant say nothing more or better only THANK YOU~



