domingo, 4 de julio de 2010


Im sorry for make everyone worried about me and my UTAU work, thanks to my friends and nice ppl here Im working slowly with Celestine act2 and even I make a demo but Celestine isnt the one singing I make Valentine her adoptive brother sing with his cute girlfriend Nunnorü Sasayaki

in the descrption say some notes like in this act Celes sound a bit more younger thats why Valentine change his flag to g+23 and about the draw I use a reference from a photo one friend show to me and say they whole be cute together and for the song I forgot write that in de DA description space and the draw was deleted by the rules of the site ehehehe someone think I traced it lol Im sorry for the mistake and for upset that person and If someone know the person who draw the reference pic please tell me to talk with she/he to give credit c:

mmm... well I guess sound a bit better, Im gonna make the best effort with help of all of you so she can be released as soon as is ready, thanks so much for your concern about all this

in the next entry the update came with some videos because she isnt stop singing ^^

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