domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

Celestine's item!

HI ppl! 'long' time not 'read' :3

this time I dont came with a video or actualization, is only to share the 'item' of Celestine ^^ you know... Teto and Ted have their breads, KAITO is related with ice cream (dont remember the brand of ice cream xP) Luka have a fish and so on

Sayu-nee asked me, wich are Celestine's item? never thing about it lol, but looking the cute gif icon Yesi-chan make to us, I think the best item for her is a cotton candy, the reason Celestine means 'sky' in the sky are cloud and she is a cute girl, so fit perfectly

talking about it, anything sky related can be around her like clouds, birds, stars and all the blues x3 ligths or darks colors, now check the picture and comment please :D

Celestine Aoi paperchild by ~BlueValkyrie on deviantART

(remember Im mexican and my english sucks a lot @w@)

3 comentarios:

Yesi-chan dijo...

Celestine: No me dejan comer en paz!
te quedo muy cute el paperchild :O y pensar q hice un sketch tekato en como 5 mins xD

BlueValkyrie dijo...

HAHAHA es lo mismo que rondaba mi cabeza cuando la sostuve xDDD pobrecita nadie la deja en paz por ser tan linda = molestable :'D

gracias! eso que no le heche muchas ganas xD le di color mega sencillito con un solo tono y un poco de degradado ^^u

ya la tengo pegadita en mi pizarra :3

Celes D.Artemisatto dijo...

Nonononononono pero que Bonita añañañaañañ *3*~~~ *mure por sobredosis de dulzura*

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