domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

duet song and videos

Ok Yesi-chan is rigth I draw Camilo before on Yume miru kotori cover, but that time was tiny, this time you can see his face at my style ^^ Im so glad she like it, in some hours I send her the big draw file :3

I love so much this couple, they really sound good together, but I 'must' make sing other UTAUloids as well hehehe xP I have an idea from youtube and nicovideo, hopefully can be dont but later...

this draw was colored in SAI, I always have used photoshop, but I want to try the other program, even I have open canvas but I dont know why is scary for me try to figure out how to use that programs @w@ is so weird... x'D the download for the song are in the rigth side of the blog like always :3

In other Onaneko make this wonderful MELT CHORUS video with Celestine and other Oversea UTAUs, thanks so very much for make her sing ^^ thats all read ya~

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